✦ Contact
We appreciate your feedback. Please send us an email if you have any questions, comments, new data to add, or any bugs/errors you find.
Shaofeng Lin, Ph.D
Assistant Researcher
Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education of Gastrointestinal Cancer
School of Basic Medical Science
Fujian Medical University
Email: linshaofeng-at-fjmu.edu.cn
Shengbao Suo, Ph.D
Guangzhou National Laboratory
Email: suo_shengbao-at-gzlab.ac.cn
Kai Yuan, Ph.D
School of Life Sciences
Central South University
Email: yuankai-at-csu.edu.cn
Haodong Xu, Ph.D
Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Xiangya School of Medicine, Second Xiangya Hospital
Vice Director, Center for Intelligent Medicine and Bioinformatics
Central South University
Email: Haodong.Xu-at-uth.tmc.edu